Sonic The Hedgehog - Sonic

Sabtu, 12 November 2016


Ok meet again with me, I am here going to tell you where my favorite namely masjit why I chose the mosque Because masjit is my place of worship to God Almighty has menciptan the heavens and the earth that is the Almighty GOD and I beg ampunana, petuntuk on the right path seta happy afterlife, and beristihoro because why I always come to the mosque prayers congregation with the imam leader of prayer because prayer congregation was seven degrees and is the recommended by PROPHET MUHAMMAD because I ummah PROPHET MUHAMMAD and I'd always follow the Sunnah - the Sunnah, and the mosque's place quiet and comfortable once to eliminate settres, the mosque was a lot to give motivation very arouse a sense of a happy life with my follow activities at mosques namely tausiah / lecture of the cleric who megisi the event with a very bangus and fun with the nuances of Islamic peace-loving and mutual respect for fellow human beings not infrequently my Koran in the mosque with liver cleanse that troubled and adopt the practice of aT HAND bY GURU - GURU me in masjit it my place every day studying religion together with friends - friends who also learn to explore what it ISLAM in fact by way of learning that is not boring is conveyed by a teacher of the Koran me because I'd always mengunjuni masjit that as my favorite place and as a liability for me that a true Muslim


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